About Us

About Nature is a partnership between multi-disciplinary artists and designers living and working in Seattle, Michael Lewis and Jordan Monez. Their approach draws upon the built and natural environment for inspiration for projects ranging from environmental signage and wayfinding to mapping and landscape design. About Nature’s work is driven by the layering of movement, meaning and memory with material, processes and kinetic experience. About Nature collaborated with the Waterlines Team to create the recent Waterlines Seattle map. The map, through a collage of photorealism and hand rendering, explores what the landscape of Seattle looked like 150 years ago with tours exploring the current landscape experience.

About Jordan

Jordan Monez is a designer and artist seeking to reference the past while looking toward the future and focus on the experience of the moment in her work. Her projects span the fields of landscape architecture, site-specific art, cartography, architectural history, environmental design and graphic design.

About Michael

Michael Lewis is a public artist and designer. He is inspired to share the layered social, cultural, and ecological narratives found within landscape experience and environmental design. His work has spanned large-scale public installation, environmental tour design, graphic design, landscape design, and teaching university courses that overlap art and environment.